He gains fame through his intellect and cunning, using both to help the greek army destroy troy. Invite your class to discuss aeneass position as an immigrant displaced by war, and see if students can make the connection to current events. Have students track various character traits, important quotes, and more while reading. The book was published in multiple languages including english, consists of 541 pages and is available in paperback format. As you read, use the chart below to keep track of major and some minor, who play a major role characters in the odyssey. She is like the knowledgeable side of ares, the god of war. Oct 14, 2008 enotes video study guide for homers odyssey.
The odyssey reading literature guide and greek mythology flip. Here i will only list and describe the most major to the plot. Nov 18, 2015 a presentation by 2000nwh created with haiku deck, free presentation software that is simple, beautiful, and fun. The king of pylos, who fought with odysseus in the trojan war, he recounts his stories about odysseus to telemachus. List of characters in the odyssey with description and analysis. The odyssey character map teaching literature, literature. The iliad, the odyssey, and the aeneidwhich work their way into so many aspects of our culture today. They often lend irony to a story, as a character does not realize a prophecy is coming true until it has happened. The book has been awarded with audie award for audio drama.
Characters marked with are recurring characters who. This epic is the story of his journey home from the trojan war. Outlined here is the reasoning given for the removal of the odyssey and an explanation as to why we should keep oedipus the king and beowulf. Every line in this text is a direct translation of homers poem i. Use this great character map worksheet to engage your students in the classroom. Odysseus fought among the other greek heroes at troy and now struggles to return to his kingdom in ithaca. Odysseus, with a little help from hermes, befriends circe and spends a year in her care. The main characters of this classics, fiction story are odysseus, penelope. Though it is up to the entire committees vote, they should strongly consider the contents of this essay in making their decision. Book i athena inspires the prince sing to me of the man, muse, the man of twists and turns driven time and again off course, once he had plundered the hallowed heights of troy. Penelope is the wife of odysseus and the mother of telemachus.
Phoenix, an old achaean warrior, greatly trusted by achilles, who acts as mediator between achilles and agamemnon. The odyssey is an excellent work of literature for ninth or tenth grade students. Nov 18, 2015 aeolus and the winds after odysseus escapes from the cyclops, he reaches the land of aeolus. Free download or read online the odyssey pdf epub book. Hermes the messengers of gods also the god of thieves, messengers, and travelers athena his symbol is the caduceus goddess of wisdom, warfare, divine intelligence, architecture, and crafts her sacred animal is the owl. Characters marked with are recurring characters who play significant roles throughout the story. Telemachus son of odysseus and penelope, the prince struggles to gain his own maturity while attempting to deal with the problems of the palace. Circesorceressturns odysseus meninto swineromantically involvedwith odysseusdetains him for 1. The first edition of the novel was published in 720, and was written by homer. Analysis of odysseus, athena, penelope, telemachus, and more.
Detailed analysis of characters in homers the odyssey. Zeus daughter athene may be the patroness of warfare but shes also the goddess of wisdom, so. Calypso loves odysseus and welcomes him to her island and its myriad. Because odysseus just had to get the glory of besting the monster, he ended up wandering the sea for seventeen years and. List of characters in the odyssey with description and. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Homer abridged mounds park academy blogs mpa blogs. Odysseus encountered the shade of achilles when he went to the entrance to the underworld. Son of poseidon, he is a oneeyed cyclops who is blinded by odysseus. Stored in the museo archeologico nazionale in sperlonga. Learn everything you need to know about odysseus, telemachus, and more in the odyssey. Match the following characters to the correct description. This list does not include all characters who appear in the odyssey, but it does.
Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. It begins by odysseus angering poseidon, and then being a captive of calypso. The greek king of ithaca who has been off fighting the trojan war for ten years. She is also briefly compared with other characters in the odyssey. Agamemnon was murdered by his wife, clytemnestra, and her lover, aegisthus, upon his return from the war. The character of circe in the odyssey mcclymont akroterion. Free the odyssey character map worksheet by storyboard that. Choose from 500 different sets of the odyssey human characters flashcards on quizlet. The odyssey character list alphabetical agamemnon former king of mycenae, brother of menelaus, and commander of the achaean forces at troy. Respect, responsibility and compassion summary students will write a biographical or autobiographical narrative based on the hero journey of odysseus and the archetype of a hero.
The epic begins in media res on the island of ogygia, home to calypso from the odyssey. Odysseus roman name ulysses king of ithaca known for his intelligence returning home from the trojan war 3. Athena character analysis in the odyssey litcharts. Teacher editions with classroom activities for all 1282 titles we cover. Because odysseus just had to get the glory of besting the monster, he ended up wandering the sea for seventeen years and losing all of his companions to an untimely death. Get an answer for how do different characters in the odyssey show cunningness. A cowherd and loyal servant of odysseus, he helps the hero exact his revenge on the suitors. The worksheetquiz combo hits on a number of the most significant themes presented in the odyssey. Shes been wo him for 20 years 10 during trojan war, 10 while he was lost at sea. Learn all about how the characters in the odyssey such as odysseus and telemachus contribute to the story and how they fit into the plot. Main character list for odyssey salamanca high school.
The following 77 pages are in this category, out of 77 total. Circe from the odyssey is an enchantress who turns odysseus crew into pigs. Aeolus and the winds after odysseus escapes from the cyclops, he reaches the land of aeolus. How do different characters in the odyssey show cunningness. The annenberg cpbproject provided support for entering this text. Let that student who cant sit still choose his favorite part to. In that time her home has become besieged by suitors who take advantage of her hospitality and wait for her to choose one of them as a husband. Pdf the odyssey book by homer free download 541 pages. Among the topics youll encounter are the natures of penelope and. Upset poseidon and isn t permitted to go home to ithaca, where he is king. When the odyssey opens, she has been waiting for odysseus to return for 20 years. Laertes odysseus father, the old king lives humbly and in solitude on a small farm where he mourns the absence of his son. This worksheet is adaptable to suit your specific needs in the classroom.
Magical elements prophecies were common elements in greek tales. Major characters of the odyssey flashcards quizlet. He is a famous blind prophet from the city of thebes. Character list human beings and one faithful dog odysseus the central figure in the epic, he employs guile as well as courage to return to ithaca, defeat the suitors, and resume his proper place as king. The odyssey by homerby homer head of odysseus from a sculptural group representing odysseus killing polyphemus. The article describes the character of circe in the odyssey, emphasizing that she has not only an evil but a positive side to her character. Choose your answers to the questions and click next to see the next set of questions. At worst, this can cloud odysseus better judgment as when his notsotactful taunting of the cyclops sets off the whole feud between him and poseidon. Cool webquest to go with the odyssey it asks students to journal and map out this is a presentation of few key parts of the odyssey homer. King of ithaca odysseus displays the essential traits of an epic hero. Dramatic irony in the odyssey authors use many literary devices in order to heighten and enhance their works. Book one oh goddess of inspiration, help me sing of wily odysseus, that master of schemes. Character map for the odyssey circe goddessenchantress calypso nymphgoddess poseidon god of the sea nausicaa alcinous daughter alcinous king of phaeacians tiresias blind prophet in the land of the dead laertes odysseus father eupithes antinous father antinous, eurymachus, and others penelopes suitors eurycleia.
Odysseus is the husband of queen penelope and the father of prince telemachus. Media in category characters in the odyssey the following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total. In the course of the poem, well see her working as a maid, a nurse, a confidante, and even a friend, as she helps both telemachus and odysseus with their plans. One of only a few servants to receive a name in the odyssey, euryclea is one of the oldest and most trusted servants in odysseuss household. Learn the odyssey human characters with free interactive flashcards.
Dramatic irony, expressions to complementary attitudes understood by the audience but not the characters, can make the emotions stronger in literature. The odyssey abridged translators note this abridged text of the odyssey, which is about one third of the complete poem, has been prepared by ian johnston of vancouver island university, nanaimo, bc, canada, from his translation of the full text. Aegyptius agamemnon alcinous antinous anticleia arete demodocus elpenor eumaeus eupeithes euryalus eurycleia eurylochus eurymachus halisthernes helen irus laertes medon melantho melanthius menelaus mentor nausicaa nestor odysseus peisistratus penelope philoetius telemachus tiresias theoclymenus argus. Test your knowledge on this literature quiz to see how you do and compare your score to others. My character odyssey 1 character education infused englishlanguage arts lessons my character odyssey pdf version with materials grade level. Literary terms epic, epic hero, epithet character map and answer key, study guide and answer key, a heros journey visual, chart, and answer key, map of odysseus voyage, greek mythology chart and answer key. The main characters of the odyssey are odysseus, penelope, telemachus, and athena. Homer, odyssey, book 16, line 225 tufts university. Odysseus holds the bag open so that him and his crew can reach ithaca faster but when ithaca is in sight, odysseus falls asleep. Odysseus has the defining character traits of a homeric leader. Odysseus is the greek hero who devised the trojan horse and who spends ten years trying. The implications of her being a witch, swearing an oath to odysseus and being a god are explored.
Odysseus, another warriorking, famed for his cunning, who is the main character of another roughly equally ancient epic, the odyssey. Odysseus may be the odysseys hero, but we actually think telemachos is more. Pdf downloads of all 1282 litcharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. Gods and creatures of the odyssey by aaron h on prezi. After his death, he was visited in the underworld by odysseus to whom he gave valuable advice concerning the rest of his odyssey, such as how to get past scylla and charybdis. The odyssey book 10 jason mello abby haney ziar brown dj schaffer allusions to greek gods. Free the odyssey character map worksheet by storyboard that tpt.
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