Perspectives from the global entertainment and media outlook 20172021 curtain up. The oecd environmental outlook to 2030 green light yellow light red light climate change declining ghg emissions per unit of gdp global ghg emissions. Environmental responsibility report 2017 progress report, covering fy2016 7 our efforts go beyond energy efficiency to spur the development and procurement of renewable energy within our global supply chain. Click here to access the report the sixth edition of the global environment outlook geo6 provides a clear assessment of the current state of the environment, the challenges that we face and how well we have dealt with them, with due consideration given to gender, indigenous knowledge and cultural dimensions. Global environment outlook 3 by united nations environment programme author isbn. This barcode number lets you verify that youre getting exactly the right version or edition of a book. This is the online version of the geo 3 data compendium. Includes a cdrom with the complete geo3 report in adobe pdf format. This lesson defines the global business environment and describes the risks and benefits of operating within the global. This summary for policymakers highlights the findings of the sixth. Perspectives from the global entertainment and media. The fifth global environment outlook, geo5, chapter. Global environmental assessment with global and regional sections, capacity.
The third unep global environment outlook report geo3 provides an opportune brief for the 2002 world summit on sustainable development wssd, to be held later this year in johannesburg, south africa. The global cities index and outlook reveal the worlds topperforming cities and those with the most potential. Global infrastructure outlook was first released in july covering 50 major countries around the world. The third unep global environment outlook report geo 3 provides an opportune brief for the 2002 world summit on sustainable development wssd, to be held later this year in johannesburg, south africa. This graph only measures blue water demand see box 5. The first global environment outlook geo1 was released in 1997, the second geo2000 in 2000, and the third geo3 in. United nations systemwide earthwatch major assessments. Geo6 chapter links united nations environment programme.
The outlook also presents simulations of policy actions to address the key challenges, including their potential environmental, economic and social impacts. Foreword xiv preface xvi the geo project xviii synthesis xx the geo 3 regions xxx 1 integrating environment and development. The report was coordinated by united nations environment programme and. The third unep global environment outlook report geo3 provides global and regional perspectives on the past, present and future environment, linked together with telling examples from within various regions to form a comprehensive and integrated assessment chapter four which can be downloaded from this site in a 2mb zipped pdf format rather than from the uns. The geo series the global environment outlook geo series is the key process by which the. Within this framework, drivers human induced or natural are defined as the primary agents driving. It is the flagship publication of the worlds leading environmental organization, the united nations environment programme unep, and is based on information provided by more. Many leaders currently expect one of the scenarios shaded in exhibit 3 a1a4 to materialize. Global environment outlook 5 the governments of canada, norway, republic of korea, the netherlands, sweden, switzerland and the gwangju metropolitan city, republic of korea, together with the unep environment fund, geo5 funding provided the necessary funding for the production of geo5 and subsequent outreach activities. Evaluation of the global environment outlook 3 report by unep. It is a feat of collaboration between unep and some 1 000 individuals and 40 institutions from around the world. The first global environment outlook geo1 was released in 1997, the second geo2000 in 2000, and the third geo 3 in. Global environment outlook 3 geo 3 2002 united nations environment programme unep isbn. Geo3 the global environment outlook 3 report unep 2002a geo3 was produced in response to the environmental reporting requirement of agenda 21 and to a united nations environment programme unep governing council decision.
The analyses include the need and usefulness of valuation of environmental goods and services, and the role of such services in enhancing development and human wellbeing, and. This note serves as a background document for consideration under agenda item 3. A full explanation of the methodology can be found in both the 2017 report, and the 2018 report update. What is affecting our environment 30 what is affecting our environment 30 3.
Unep in collaboration with acsad adie agu ait bcas cedare ceu university of chile university of costa rica earth council eea grid ibama christchurch icis igci iisd island resourc. Click here to access the report the sixth edition of the global environment outlook geo6 provides a clear. Geo3 is published 10 years after the earth summit in rio in 1992. At its third session, the environment assembly, in paragraphs 1 and 2 of its decision 3 1, requested the executive director to issue the sixth global environment outlook at least three months before the fourth session of the assembly. The global environment outlook6 sustainable development. The fourth global environment outlook environment for development geo4 places sustainable development at the core of the assessment, particularly on issues dealing with intra and intergenerational equity. Global biodiversity outlook 3 3 in 2002, the world s leaders agreed to achieve a sig ni cant reduction in the rate of biodiversity loss by 2010. Extension of the delivery date for the sixth global. The journal interprets global environmental change to mean the outcome of processes that are manifest in. Chapter 11 climate change department of environmental.
Headlamp health and environment analysis for decision making. Environment for the future we want geo5 is part of this broad sweep of history, and is a major contribution to the public understanding of the way ecosystems and the atmosphere are responding to patterns of unprecedented consumption and production patterns taking place on a planet of 7 billion people, rising to more than 9 billion by 2050. C would require rapid, farreaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society, the intergovernmental panel on climate change ipcc said in a new assessment. The global environment outlook geo series are the flagship publications of the worlds leading environmental organization. The unep geo sids outlook is a followup to the unepun desa foresight process report on emerging issues for small island developing states helping to ensure that there is a sids voice in the unep global environment outlook. Global environment outlook 3 programme, united nations environment on. Global environment outlook 2000 ebook by united nations. The third unep global environment outlook report geo 3 provides global and regional perspectives on the past, present and future environment, linked together with telling examples from within various regions to form a comprehensive and integrated assessment. The multiplicity of factors that influence the directions of the petroleum production chain is huge, making the task of preparing strategies and action plans.
Global environment outlook geo6 report and is prepared by the. State of the environment and policy retrospective, 19722002 ch. The resulting demand shock cuts global gdp growth for 2020 in half, to between 1 percent and 1. Based on the outlook and thirdparty reports, including the 2018 emissions gap report from the united nations environment programme, we expect that the world is likely to meet, in aggregate, the 2030 paris agreement pledges with continued focused efforts, but further work is needed for the world to accelerate progress toward a 2 o c pathway. Evaluation of the global environment outlook 3 report. Update on the future of the global environment outlook. In this scenario, a global slowdown would affect small and midsize companies more acutely. This is the online version of the geo3 data compendium. Global status report 2017 world green building council. The global environment can have a major impact on how a company operates.
The fourth report in the global environment outlook geo series from the united nations environment programme unep provides a comprehensive, scientifically credible, policyrelevant and upto. The fourth report in the global environment outlook geo series from the united nations environment programme unep provides a comprehensive, scientifically credible, policy. Extension of the delivery date for the sixth global environment outlook report the united nations environment assembly, recalling its resolution 14 of 27 june 2014, bearing in mind that the global environment outlook is the flagship recurrent environmental assessment report of the united nations environment programme. Global biodiversity outlook 3 7 the third edition of global biodiversity outlook gbo 3 comes at a critical period in the history of the convention on biological diversity. These scenarios describe a global average, while situations will inevitably vary by country and region. At its third session, the environment assembly, in paragraphs 1 and 2 of its decision 31, requested the executive director to issue the sixth global environment outlook at least three months before the fourth session of the assembly. Global environment outlook 3 geo3 2002 united nations environment programme unep isbn. The global ict regulatory outlook giro series lays out a broad canvas of how regulation and digital markets are interacting and advocates for collaborative regulatory reform in delivering meaningful connectivity and inclusive digital markets. It coincides with the deadline agreed in johannesburg by world leaders to substantially reduce the rate of biodiversity loss by 2010 as a contribution to poverty al. Global biodiversity outlook 3 7 the third edition of global biodiversity outlook gbo3 comes at a critical period in the history of the convention on biological diversity. Geo 3 is published 10 years after the earth summit in rio in 1992 and in time for its. It provides easy access to the national, subregional, regional and global statistical data sets used for uneps third global environment outlook geo3 report.
The global status report 2017 was prepared by thibaut abergel, brian dean and john dulac of the international energy agency iea for the global alliance for buildings and construction gabc. Iges staff were lead authors for chapters 3 life on the line. Like any good medical examination, there is a clear prognosis of what will happen if we continue with business as usual and a set of recommended actions to put things right. Optimize opportunities in an everchanging environment 1 the real estate re industry seems to be on an accelerating disruption curve highlighted by rapid changes in tenant dynamics, customer demographic shifts, and ever increasing needs for better and faster data access to allow improved service and amenities. With a focus on human capital, thoughtful municipal policies, smart corporate. The vibrancy of the worlds most competitive citiesplaces such as london, new york, singapore, and san franciscois no happy coincidence. Were investing in renewable energy projects to address upstream emissions that are beyond the influence of our direct suppliers. Global environment outlook 5 environment for the future. Perspectives from the global entertainment and media outlook. Global environment outlook geo is a consultative, participatory process that builds capacity for conducting integrated environmental assessments for reporting on the state, trends and outlooks of the environment. The sixth global environment outlook is an essential checkup for our planet. The third unep global environment outlook report geo3 provides an opportune brief for the 2002 world summit on sustainable development wssd.
It provides easy access to the national, subregional, regional and global statistical data sets used for uneps third global environment outlook geo 3 report. The report is both dense, offering deepdive detail, and highlevel pointing up the headline. Global environmental outlook 5, united nations environment. Update on the future of the global environment outlook geo. This lesson defines the global business environment and describes the risks and benefits of. In each of these, the covid19 spread is eventually controlled, and catastrophic structural economic damage is avoided. Geo6 chapter links chapter 20 a longterm vision for 2050 chapter 21 future development without targeted policies. Vision 2040 global scenarios for the oil and gas industry 5 how to read the study few areas of the economy are as volatile literally and figuratively as the oil and gas sector. It was updated in 2018 to 56 countries to include, at the time, the 10 african countries participating in the g20 compact with africa. It picks up and weaves together the strands of debate and action on the. Global environment outlook geo is a series of reports on the environment issued periodically by the united nations environment programme unep. It provides an update on the work of the future of geo steering committee, created as a subsidiary body of. Less developed economies would suffer more than advanced economies.
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